Latest ICT Information: iOS 9 Complete Guide

iOS 9 Complete Guide

After a novel public beta program Apple released iOS 9 in its official form today. iPhone and iPad users can download the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system either over the air or through iTunes. The update will be compatible with all iPhones back to the iPhone 4S, all iPod Touch devices back to the 5th-Generation model and all iPads back to theiPad 2, the original iPad Air and the originaliPad Mini.

Apple has now posted matching users guides for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the web. These new iPhone and iPad user guides for iOS 9 are available as free downloads from the iBooks Store.
The guides cover the basics of iOS 9 and focus on stuff like stock apps, various user interface improvements and new features such as enhanced Spotlight with Proactive search, 3D Touch on the new iPhones, the new News and iCloud Drive apps, side-by-side multitasking features on iPads and more.

Your iBooks Store download links follow below:

The free software updated is compatible with any iPhone and iPad from the iPhone 4s and iPad 2 onward, respectively. It also supports the fifth and sixth-gen iPod touch.

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